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The Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) is designed to identify strategic humanitarian priorities during the first weeks following an emergency. MIRA should be carried out under the auspices of the Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator (while the primary responsibility for coordinating humanitarian assistance rests with national authorities, if international humanitarian assistance is required a Humanitarian Coordinator-HC or Resident Coordinator-RC is responsible for leading and coordinating the efforts of humanitarian organizations (both UN and non-UN)) and wherever possible, led by the government. MIRA is not specifically designed for MHPSS, but it does provide important information on the needs perceived by the affected community. It consists of:

  • Secondary data analysis (SDA) to determine the extent of the disaster and the number of affected people and to sketch out the strategic humanitarian priorities.
  • Community level assessment (CLA)
  • The MIRA Framework to align intra- and inter-sectoral information and to
  • support humanitarian actors reach a common understanding on strategic
  • humanitarian priorities.
  • The assessment normally comes with 2 products:
  • A Preliminary Scenario Definition, is issued 72 hours after the disaster’s
  • onset
  • A MIRA Report, released after 2 weeks.