Cover page

The INEE Minimum Standards Handbook contains 19 standards organised within five domains, each with accompanying key actions and guidance notes. The handbook aims to enhance the quality of educational preparedness, response and recovery; increase access to safe and relevant learning opportunities for all learners, regardless of their age, gender or abilities; and ensure accountability and strong coordination in the provision of education in emergencies through to recovery.

These minimum standards are designed for use in crisis response in a range of situations, including disasters caused by natural hazards and conflict, slow- and rapid-onset situations and emergencies in rural and urban environments. This document is the first step toward ensuring that education initiatives in emergency situations provide a solid basis for post-conflict and post-disaster reconstruction.

Two standards with particular links to MHPSS are Access and Learning Environment Standard 2: Protection and Well-being (p61) and Standard 3: Facilities and Services regarding referrals (p72).