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The Mental Health and Psychosocial Technical Note synthesizes information on UNICEF’s approach to MHPSS, and references existing MHPSS operational guidance and standards that are detailed across sectors. It has been developed for UNICEF staff and explains : • WHAT Mental Health and MHPSS is, • WHY MHPSS needs to be included and delivered across sectors, and • HOW to deliver effective, multi-sectoral MHPSS in both development and humanitarian contexts. It gives an overview of guidance, evidence-based interventions, standards, resources, and examples of successful MHPSS programs. It also provides practical suggestions to further strengthen UNICEF’s approach to inclusion for people of all ages, genders, abilities, ethnicities and living situations. Children and adolescents are particularly prioritized, and all sectors are encouraged to incorporate MHPSS approaches to support children and family’s mental health and well-being.