
Let’s Talk About It: Check-in Guidance provides instructions on how to facilitate a 90–120-minute check-in session with children aged six years and up when they arrive back at school or another activity space that was closed due to conflict or crisis. It is designed for use by adults – including classroom teachers – to help children settle back into a regular school routine. Space to discuss their fears and experiences of loss, displacement and other impacts among their peers and with the guidance of a trusted adult will help them to process their feelings and the effect the conflict or crisis is having on them. This guidance can also be used outside of a school context, i.e., in non-formal education settings, children’s clubs, child protection-led activities, livelihood activities, etc. The guide has three adaptations for different contexts:

  1. Health emergencies including COVID-19 in English and Arabic
  2. Armed conflict in Ukrainian, Russian, Hungarian, Romanian and Polish
  3. Disaster and Earthquakes in Arabic